I have made it so that each picture or video is clickable and takes you to the source I got it from.(Not this very first picture.)

A little about me, This is me the picture above. I am a student majoring in Computer Science. That is really into everything that has to do with technology. I am able to take apart a computer and change it's parts to improve it or fix it to taking apart a phone and changing a cracked screen. I am self taught and learned most of this from reading books and trying on the devices I have.
I have been to four Hack-A-thon where me and a group of three others work together and build a demo of an app to win prizes. Some of the prizes are gaming headset, laptop, and gift cards. In each of these Hack-a-thon I have been the main programmer who does most to all of the coding. The other members do research on apps and another would do research on marketing the app and the last one is in charge of presenting the app to the judges.