The definition of Anthropology from “the science that deals with the origins, physical and cultural development, biological characteristics, and social customs and beliefs of humankind.” This is saying anthropology is the study of humans and how they evolve or how they develop in different environments. This to me is how people are studied in the different environment they are put into. An example of this would be how a gamer, someone who does not interact with people face to face would react when someone tries talk to them in person. The gamer would have a little harder time when it comes to talking to people face to face because they are so used to looking at a monitor and not real people. They are more used to talking to people when they don’t see them but just hear their voice. This is also the study of taking one person from a social class and putting them into a different social class would change the way they act to adapt to the new surrounding. This can be said for anyone who has moved from one place location to the next.
In the video anthropology just sounds like it's about how people live and why different people do what they do. From the way they would do something to the way they see something. This is not done by the group itself but by someone from another group. This is like if a person from Russia would study the ways of someone from China and they would see what it is that is different about them. In the past from the video it was said that people used Anthropology as a way to just the reason for having slaves because they were not civilized people. This to me does not making sense whatsoever because no one has the right to control another human being. I guess that in these times it didn’t mean that much because everyone was doing whatever they wanted to. That also meant doing whatever they wanted that made them happy.

From the reading I did about people in parties and how they drink in parties and all of the rules that are behind party drinking games. A researcher by the name of Min Lieskovsky gave up her degree in Sociocultural anthropology to go and study people up close. Her research was done in different parties and with many different people to see how different people act in parties around their friends vs if they are with strangers. She wanted to find out the hidden secrets behind why people drink at parties like they do. The reasons behind not stopping after one drink and continuing until they drop. She also wanted to know what the different drinking games and what they meant to the different groups of people at parties. She wanted to learn about the different ways people drink.

Research was done on the Uto-Aztecan language and it was founded that the language was different at one point in time but as time changed so did the language. Not only did the language change over time but it turned out to be not so different from one another as time continued on. This language can be traced back to the 1519 to 1521 from the Valley of Mexico. The language spread from the west to the east and all around changing how it was spoken. This study was to see how language a element can change if put into a different environment.
In the video by Lisa Ling about the Mongol Kings people see the Mongol Kings as a gang and people should stay away from them. But after seeing the way the members live and how they don’t see themselves as gang but a club for veterans. They see themselves as veterans supporting each other because no one else will. They see each other as family and people they are look up to and count on for backup or help. They also do something every weekend that I find is a nice thing. The events they have can be anything from a BBQ party to birthday party for the whole club. I find that more people should see this video and see the fact that you should never really justice a book by it’s cover and should see them for what they are. That would be a club for veterans that need help. Something else that I find amazing is that the first question they ask when someone joins the club would be if you have a job to make sure that they can count on you as well as you counting on them.

In the Movie Lion the main character lost his way home as was adopt into another family. The part that said something to me was when he was sitting in class for the first day and saw that people were looking at him for his skin color. I believe most of the people there thought he was somewhere from India and that he would have a simple background from that of someone that was from India. But when they found out that he was not from India but was from around there they started to change the way they should look at him. This to me is something that has always happens no matter how. Someone would look at someone has already have something about them they don't like.