Political Science
The definition of Political Science from dictionary.com is “a social science dealing with political institutions and with the principles and conduct of government.” This sounds like it’s talking about how people see politics and how there are principles when it has anything to do with the government. There is always one thing that comes to people’s mind when it's about politics. For the most part when it comes to me it’s about how people are running for office. What they want other people to see about themselves that is important and how they start getting their act together when that time comes. Let’s use the example of someone who is running for office, what are they willing to do to make their image and how people see them in order for them to get into office. Like if that individual is willing to visit every family in that area in order to get their votes or would they visit a local store and show support like I buy from here too. But after they get into office will they still keep their words about the things they said they were willing to do when they got into office. But now is it the same opinions he or she said were going to support. For the most part that would be no. Everyone in politics goes in for the money one way or another. Like I control this area and you can use it as you like for a small price per year or month. Or even I will “donate” this much so I can "use" this area. I feel that this is all politics has to offer for itself like everyone just cares about themselves and they are willing to do whatever in order to get what they want.
In the beginning of the video the guy talks about how you need a license to do everything from driving to hunting to cutting hair. I feel that this is for people to know they are safe when doing that something or having something done to them. This is a way of checking and knowing that this individual did what they had to in order to have the right to do this or that. Later in the video the person talks about how the most important trait to have would be knowledge if you are into politics. I feel that what he said is very important because of the next comment he made which was that people are out there giving you false information so that they can get you to do whatever it is they want you to do. This is a true statement and with more and more people only looking out for themselves they don’t really care if the information you are receiving has anything to do with what really is going on. It could also be the fact that one person starts something that is false but shows some evidence to be true and convince people that it’s true and that just started a chain of people getting the wrong information left and right. This chain leads to the false information getting all the spotlight that should have been given to the right information. After the talk about knowledge the guy brings up the idea about how there are three branches of government and that would be because if one side had too much power then they would be able to do whatever they wanted without asking the other side if it was a okay thing to do. This is a good way to keep everything in check from having one side getting the most say in what this country should and should not be able to do.

The article “Is It Inequality or Mobility? Neither Economists nor GOP Candidates Can Decide.” by Danny Vinik says that Mitt Romney uses words that would please the people whenever he talked to a coward. With that being said this is what people in politics do in order to get people to listen and trust their words. By bringing up things people want to change and want people in politics to look into. Maybe after getting into office these people will look into it for a few days and say there is nothing I can do about this sorry. People only want to say and bring up things when it matters the most so that they are able to get what they want. I feel that what Tyler Cowen wrote about has a lot of meaning which is “Consider the two concepts positively: Income equality is about bridging the gap between the rich and the poor, while economic mobility is about elevating the poor as rapidly as possible. Finding ways to increase economic mobility should be our greater concern.” This to me is like saying that people know what they should be doing but have yet to do anything to really change much. People are just looking out for themselves just because they got something first before anyone else could. They are using that to help themselves more than trying to help fix how things are right now. The more that this happens the longer this bridge will take to drive pass.