The definition of Sociology from sociology is “the science or study of the origin, development, organization, and functioning of human society; the science of the fundamental laws of social relations,institutions, etc.” I feel the way this works is how things are and how things will change in order to meet with current events and issues at any present time. This can be said for the present we are currently in right now with technology being a big part of our everyday life. Not only that but also how technology is evolving and how it will affect us in the future. As of right now there are laws being created for what we should do and what we should not do with technology. One example of this would be is it right to hack into anyone’s computer to get their most valuable information for anyone to use. The result being that individual going to jail for however many years based on what it is they got their hands on.
In the beginning of the video William Ury starts off with a story about how when you first look at a problem and try to solve it looks complicated. For this case it was about a dad who was leaving his kids with an odd number of camel and said he was going to leave his eldest son half of them. The second eldest would get a third of these camel and the youngest son would get a ninth of these camels. There was a total of 17 camels for his kids. The sons were lost into who gets what number of camels because they could not divide 17 into 2 or 3. So they went to seek help from a wise old woman. But she also was unable to help give the boys a solution for their problem. Instead because she felt she was no help to them she just gave them one extra camel so they could divide that between themselves. Then they started dividing the 18 camels into themselves. The eldest son got half of 18 which was 9 and the second eldest got a third of 18 which was 6 and the last son got a ninth of 18 which was 2. This equaled to 17 which was what they had in the beginning. So they decided to gave back the extra camel they got from the wise old woman. This problem may have looked more difficult than it really was and when you really go and try to solve it was easy. This problem that seemed difficult at first just ended up going back to what it was in the beginning or the origin which was the father leaving 17 camels for his boys. This to me showed that when given something that looks difficult at first people question is this really truth. Even if it happens to be the correct answer that is in front of you but without the solution given to you. This is how most people happen to have adapted over time. That when they see something in front of them, they will begin to question if this really is true and is this really happening and not really trying to accept it for what it really is the truth.

In “No Time for Bullies: Baboons Retook Their Culture” by Natalie Angier the article says that there has been a change of human society because of the many different events that happen at any given time. The example used in this article was a bacterial disease that caused the dead of a very important man which lead for a new stage of social and behavioral change. This being said because people were so scared of this disease coming to hunt them they started creating new rules which would grant them a piece of mind that this will not happen to them. This is how people study sociology in the field, to find out what the events that lead to change in how humans function at that time period. Events from the present and past can also be said to having a big factor as to why the function of human society changes so much. It’s all about how people see events and what they feel is the right choice to be made at that time that leads to change. Like not wanting to have a king and queen ruling the country because you know what will happen when you give someone that much power.
In What is Sociology?, it says that sociology is the study of human society and its pattern. An example used in this is “even if you are in your room all day you are expected to obey the laws and rules of society.” This being said people get the feeling that what they are doing in everyday life is just following rules set by people who have gone through already so that no chaos would break out like it would back when there were no rules. This here is pretty much true because if these laws were not put up. Then anything you would do is not safe. Let’s say it was ok to shoot someone you don’t like. What would happen if someone you meets doesn’t like you and they happen to see you again all armed up. Thanks to past cases of chaos we know what will happen so we put up rules to make sure that this does not happen. Another thing would be the freedom of speech and how we have the right to have our own opinions and how these opinions are protected. The word positivist sociology is said to be the method of using science in how human society works. Looking at the world through the eyes of science and saying this is why someone would do this in their everyday life. The use of science in this matter is saying that what can we see that affects people's mood that would cause them to say or do something that they would not normally do.

In my take a stand I talked about technology and how technology have evolved to what we have today. That in our present time we use technology for everything. If we didn't have technology we would not be able to live as human beings. Today because of technology a lot of lives have been saved because of the basic thing that our everyday technology can do which is call 9-1-1.