The definition of Philosophy from is “the rational investigation of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct.” Also means “the critical study of the basic principles and concepts of a particular branch of knowledge, especially with a view to improving or reconstituting them” This to me sounds like it is talking about how people over time learn from things that were said to happen. Something that comes to mind would be the way that people without power come to power. This is something that comes to mind because the saying is that the future is unpredictable. This can be said for almost everything that has happened to human being for the past few years. Something that comes to mind is how far we have advanced on technology. From having a mini computer that we carry around with us wherever we go to having a watch that can do more than just tell time.
In the video my philosophy for a happy life, the speaker brings up some key points. One of them was that he has a happy life and this to me say something about the support he gets from his family. For most people with any disease they are always in and out of hospitals for the smallest change in anything. This to me says that his family has always been their watching over him and making sure that he does not have to worry about ever thinking it is a bad thing the disease that he has. This to me brings back my childhood and when my little brother was in the hospital for over 8 months because of an accident that he got into. From that accident everyone we knew to my parents supporting my little brother so he can recover and get out of the hospitals. Even after that he was not fully covered from the accident. But even them my parents made sure to support him and do what they have to night and day to take care of them. My parents made sure that he never cried once for what had happened to him and made sure that he was always smiling.

This article about the philosophy courses that someone can take in the United State says a lot about what we as human beings want to limit people to do. If you want to take a philosophy course here in the United State you are limited to only European and English philosophy that is available. If you want to study any other philosophy course like Africana, Indian, Islamic, Jewish, Latin American, Native American or anything that is non-European philosophy it is not offered in the United States. This to me does not make sense as to why we are limited to the only European and English courses because some of the well known people come from other parts of the world that is not European and English. If you are paying to learn something you should not be limited to the things that are available in the place that you are staying. There should be no limit to what you can see and have available.

This picture has a lot of meaning because of all of things I see in the media. From people that have less being able to use what they have to live. As for people that have most still seem to not have enough for all of the things that they want and do. Most of the videos that I have seem on media shows how people with less are more willing to give to others are are needed then people with more. Some of the other things I have seen are how people with more only help people that also have more and not people with less. As for people with less they just help whoever that is in need and if they are able to help them too.